Changing the Culture

Backing Brilliance was set up to ensure others do not struggle as we have. We are 3 adults with neurodiversity who have had to battle ourselves through working life and watch our neurodiverse children do the same at school. Additionally, we have all struggled with mental health, identity issues as well as eating disorders.

Through Access to Work support training, life coach work and therapeutic strategies we are all now in a place where we have gone from surviving to thriving. What we can now see is our own unique talents and we achieve above and beyond daily. Our amazing children are our driving force and our ambition to help others is at the core of everything we do. By running Backing Brilliance our aim is to create a centre that allows for our most vulnerable children to have their needs met through neurodiversity analysis, theory of mind work, Life coach work, therapeutic family care, mentoring, individual education planning, educational support for parents and carers, business set ups for those wishing to be self-employed and levelling the playing field for those who are not neurotypical. Alongside this we endeavour to create a care leavers community to give those without a family, the love, commitment and dedication every young person deserves. We are aiming high and we will not stop until children are being diagnosed in a timely fashion, until school trauma is something of the past, and until our looked after children have a place they belong and have everything they need to transcend. All the while your working with us, your contributing to the lives of others who are less fortunate than yourselves. We cannot wait to start supporting you and your families, we really do have a need to be needed and enjoy every minute of what we do.

What you will learn

  • How to Manage Criminal Behaviour

    You will learn the most effective ways to manage a traumatised child’s criminal behaviours. Through exploration of emotional intelligence you will gain the appropriate responses to the inner child’s emotional crisis. Understanding a child’s human need for risk, will guide foster carers to achieve positive outcomes and speed up the healing journey.

  • Evidential Pathway to Show Progression of the Healing Journey

    Throughout this course you will develop an emergency file that provides an evidential pathway to success. This file will not only safeguard the child but everyone in the family unit. The emergency file will develop understanding of current obstacles, as well as show patterns of behaviours that can then be rectified. You will have a physical tool that supports the child, the police and the local authority. You will no longer have to rely on your memory to work out problems in volatile/stressful situations, as your emergency file will guide and support you through it.

  • How to Safeguard the Child

    Throughout this course you will learn how everyone around the child has a responsibility to be led by the child expert, who is the professional foster carer. Foster carers with the correct training really are the child’s only protector from gaining criminal records, or finding themselves in secure residential institutions or prison. Learning why and when a child will make a poor choice, allows the foster carer to prevent incidents and completely protect the child looked after.

Learn From the Experiences of Others

Danielle Cook

Senior Consultant

Hi, I’m Dani and I’m 46 years old and the mother of 4 amazing children. Throughout my life I’ve raised children with severe complex needs, and I have Autism and ADHD myself. I was diagnosed at 38 years of age and spent a lifetime making mistakes and feeling out of my depth. My working life was filled with barriers that I didn’t even know I had, and “Access to Work” has now enabled me to illuminate the obstacles and stressors that made work life so uncomfortable and problematic. All the children I’ve raised have equally been met with the same barriers to success with regards to school, and its only now that I can see these children achieve above and beyond. I have been a foster carer for 8 years and this journey opened my eyes to just how challenging life can be for our vulnerable children and their families. The complexities due to adverse childhood experiences and trauma are extreme, but everything can be achieved with the right support and approach. Through extensive research and training I now have the skill to fully support parents and carers whose young people are displaying behaviours that are problematic. I don’t think anything could shock me anymore and the bigger the problem behaviour, the more interesting and ambitious I become to supporting parents and carers to achieve their goals. I want to back brilliance and break barriers for adults, and I would not be happy until those adults achieve growth and significance with ease! The expertise Dani now has regarding human need, peoples skills, psychology, neurodiversity, adverse childhood experiences, trauma, fostering, emotional age understanding, communication, therapeutic parenting, behavioural management, motivational & reflective strategies is outstanding. Dani is compelled to share her knowledge and has created a model that’s proven to work, to ensure that the child looked after avoids unnecessary criminalisation. The rewards are plentiful and success is easily achieved, it’s just a case of knowing how to do what Dani does!

Alison Wombwell-Blaney

Senior Consultant

I am an Autistic/ADHD diagnosed female Parent of two daughters both diagnosed as being autistic, having ADHD and other complex needs Accredited and Qualified Neurodiversity Coach, Accredited Trainer and Settings/Workplace Inclusion Practitioner/Business and Executive Skills Coach Author of “Happy Being Me” Book series Co Founder of Neurokay Lived Experience of Eating Disorders, Trauma, Neurodiversity and Mental Health Worked in the Care, Mental Health and Support Sector for over Fifteen Years